Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Long Distance REAL-ationships vs RELAY-tionships

When you get into a long distance relationship (or LDR), you should have fully understood the mechanics of playing this so called game of love. In this game, you have to understand that time is of the essence and that communication is key.

In LDRs, you also play a mini game called the waiting game . It's a waiting game in the sense that you both may end up waiting for one another due to the time constraint. Because of this little fact, some couples eventually decide to break up. While some see this as a hindrance, other couples see this as a challenge to prove their love to one another.

Long Distance Love, as some prefer to call it, seem so unreal to most people. But to the people involved, it is as real as it gets. LDRs can work and have a fairytale-like ending if the couple in the relationship try their best to make it work for both of them. It's all about doubling the work that you would normally do for a short distance relationship. With the distance, don't expect to just let the love you have for the other to be the main reason for your relationship to last. Both of you should work it out.

If, in case, one or the other is busy, you should set a time for you guys to catch up. Don't let your relationship become a relay. As much as possible, find time for one another. Don't be one of those couples who seem to be in a relay game, passing batons back and forth without really spending time with each other.

Getting in a long distance relationship is not a problem. The way people see it, it's maintaining the relationship that's quite messy. Communication is the key. Listen to the long distance relationship advice that people who have been in a similar situation will give you. It helps a lot.


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