Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Addicted To You


In every relationship that you have had, try recalling how excited you were to see your significant other each day. Did you ever get tired of hanging out every single time? How was your very first date as a couple compared to the remaining dates you had in the span of your relationship?

See, in short distance relationships, it cannot be avoided that sometimes you get tired of seeing each other. You take this benefit for granted while those in long distance relationships take what they can get.

If you can still remember your first date, it was so full of bliss. Now many may try to rekindle this moment. But in long distance relationships, they get that same feeling every time they get to see each other.

Keeping the relationship interesting is a very helpful piece of long distance relationship advice that couples could get. For those who are in short distance relationships, keeping the relationship interesting will also prove to be rather difficult. Some may get bored and may disregard their partners ultimately.

Staying interested is essential when it comes to relationships. So if you could, give your partner a reason to be interested in you without trying so hard. Long distance love may not be the easiest but it surely is going to be obe of the sweetest.

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