Friday, April 8, 2011

It's So Hard Not Being There

Taj_Jackson_I_Think_Of_You_DOWNLOAD_lyrics.mp4 Watch on Posterous
Some people end up entertaining negative thoughts about their partner whenever they are apart. Although this is supposedly a no-no to long distance relationships, there are still those people who make the mistake of looking for a second partner as some sort of substitute for the first. Though they claim to not take this seriously and call it a fling, it still is not a good thing.

In long distance relationships, trust is a major factor that should be deeply rooted in the core of both partners. If there is an absence of trust, expect the relationship to fall apart. When one of the partners will get a summer fling, this will break the trust of the other resulting to a break-up. Therefore it is a must that none of either partieswill give the other a reason to doubt their trust. A good long distance relationship advice would be to give your partner no reason to doubt you.

Make sure that you are there whenever you say you are going to be there. Avoid giving false hopes and reassurances because once you do so, they will no longer believe in you. If they do, it will take a lot of time before their trust in you will be fully regained. Just listen to the song that comes with this post and you will understand this better.

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