Friday, April 29, 2011

Secrets To Long Distance Relationships


There are quite a number of relationships that most people would not agree on, mostly for different reasons. But even with such disapproval, those who are involved in the relationship are not going to back off just because someone else disapproves of it. Having such negative comments from people should be used as a challenge to prove that what they are saying is wrong.

One of the examples of disapproved relationships are long dostance relationships. It's probably because some people cannot fathom the thought of loving someone who is almost never physically around all the time. But so what? They are nit the ones in the relationship, you are. Who are they to tell you that you and your partner can't make it? If you let people put doubts in your head, then it's not them who is actually doubting what you have with your significant other but you. If you let in even a single speck of doubt arise, you are going to go paranoid about it.

Getting the right long distance relationship advice is not as easy as you think. Yes, we may get good advices from those who care but these advices are also going to be one of those factors that could strike up the terrible "what-ifs" in our brain. To avoid such doubts, people in these relationships should have a strong sense of trust towards his or her partner. Although this may be easy to say and difficult to do at times, it is very possible.

From what has been observed of others, the secret to making long distance relationships work would rely on the couple. Doing things to spice up the relationship will definitely help both of you keep the relationship interesting. An interesting relationship coupled with a strong foundation of trust and patience will go a long way. Love alone wouldn't do the trick. You have to work for it. In anything, always remember that nothing will be achieved if you don't work for it.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Halfway Around The World

Halfway Around The World

Halfway_Around_the_World_A_Teens_lyrics.mp4 Watch on Posterous
Sometimes, we just can't avoid falling for someone we know we are not going to see frequently as much as we want to. But even with such knowledge, we still opt to get into a relationship with him or her. This is what the couple could call love, while others will go against such a relationship thinking that it is nothing but a wonderful fling.

People need to believe that couples need to have to faith in their significant others for their relationship to work. Long distance relationship advice is available to anyone who is willing to listen. It does not have to come from some wannabe expert but from someone who truly cares for you and has or is currently in a long distance relationship.

Just as the song above mentioned, "Halfway around the world - that won't stop me from loving you". If you both are just willing to let it go, then you are going tobreak it off. But if you are confident enough that your long distance relationship is going to work, then it is strongly suggested that you get to work on it as soon as now. Making your partner wait to hear from you for days should be in a minimum. Work on your relationship and stop thinking of the discouraging words you hear from people.

Friday, April 22, 2011

30 Days Til We Meet


I know how hard partners work on their long distance relationships. Even couples in short distance relationships find it hard to make a relationship as wonderful as it is because problems always turn up at the most inconvenient times. However, there are always problems to solutions.

We may have all heard people give long distance relationship advice to those longing for the touch of their loved ones who are away. The most common advices they give are about trust issues, effective communication, visits and whatever. For now, let us dwell on things each partner could do to pass the time.

Below is a 30 day challenge that should be filled up everyday, and not at once. This will help you pass the time and reminisce the memories both of you had. Enjoy!

Long Distance Relationships 30 Day Challenge
Day 1: Your name and his/her name
Day 2: Your ages
Day 3: Your locations
Day 4: How did you meet?
Day 5: Since when have you been together?
Day 6: What is the most random thing you know about him/her? and viceversa
Day 7: How do you communicate with each other?
Day 8: Favourite thing you’ve given him/her?
Day 9: Favourite thing she/he has given you?
Day 10: Favourite thing about him/her? Day 11: Pick one thing you miss (I know there are 19238923842039402394 things) and describe it in detail.
Day 12: How would you define love?
Day 13: What do you think is the hardest thing about distance?
Day 14: Describe a moment you had with him/her last time you were together. (If you haven’t met, describe how the perfect moment would be)
Day 15: Favourite love (LDR or not) song? Day 16: Favourite love (LDR or not) movie?
Day 17: Favourite love (LDR or not) quote?
Day 18: Post a picture of the two of you together. (If you don’t have one, post a picture of something you can/could relate to)
Day 19: I know there’s not one thing, but choose one of your favourite things to hear her/him say.
Day 20: Is there something you regret? (either about the relationship, or something you have done)
Day 21: Give us a little insight (as much as you’re comfortable) on your sex life (either with this person physically, or your general history, or over the phone ha, whatever you want)
Day 22: Share something cute. (A story, something either of you have done, a song, memory, wish, dream)
Day 23: Do you have a song? Which one is it? (if you don’t, then what is something that always reminds you of him/her)
Day 24: Describe him/her physically and emotionally/personality-wise
Day 25: One thing that he/she does that pisses you off (even if that smile while get you every time)
Day 26: Sweetest thing he/she has done for you
Day 27: If you had the money/time/connections/whatever to get him/her any gift in the world, what would it be?
Day 28: If you could have him/her with you physically for the next 5 hours, what would you do?
Day 29: When will you see her/him next? Day 30: Where do you see your future going with him/her?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Working With Love Online

Whenever we hear the term "love online", it would strike people as something like a joke or something that does not need to be taken seriously. On the contrary though, like any other relationship, it should be taken just as seriously.

Unlike relationships wherein you get to see your significant other on a daily basis, more work is needed from both parties involved in a long distance relationship. Even with the negative comments from the non-believers, long distance relationships can work. What both of the parties need is a good amount of long distance relationship advice from the people who know what it is like to be apart from the one they love. It may be difficult as you are apart but it is not impossible.

Every relationship needs hard work for it to work out in the end. For those relationships considered to be "love online", even more effort has to be put in. With that distance, not making an effort to communicate or meet will be the start of that relationship's downfall.

Couples separated with the distance can and will survive the distance if they both put in their share of hard work. Love is a two way street, not a one way lane. If the couple is not willing to work on their relationship, they might as well end it.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Coping With The Distance


Most people have that fear of losing their loved ones. But something that they fear more than losing their special someone is having to say goodbye because they think that once they are apart, it is the start of the end of the relationship. It is a common misconception, though. Being apart doesn't mean the end, it is actually the beginning of something new.

Before getting into a long distance relationship, try hearing out what people in such relationships have to say. Get long distance relationship advice from them and not from those inexperienced wannabes. Listen to the supportive words of friends and learn to avoid the negative side comments of haters. Being in a relationship and being apart from him or her is difficult as it is, you do not need people to tell you more about it. What you need are words of advice and inspiring stories.

Do not forget to have constant communication with your special someone. Getting out of touch is one step to getting to the end of a relationship. Remember, you do not see each other everyday. Removing your communication channels will do nothing but help your relationship come to an end. Make your loved one feel loved or else, the worst will come.

When you feel like missing your significant other, why don't you try to go and visit them. Not only will this surprise them but it will make them overjoyed, which is a good thing. If you can't go visit, try surprising them by sending a package of some sort. This will let them know you were thinking of them.

Be sweet and creative. Make them feel loved and always let them know you care before it is too late. Leaving and being left is difficult but there are a handful of advices on relationships that you can get.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Being There When You're Apart

I was searching around the internet for long distance relationship pictures and I stumbled upon these photos of a love letter from a war veteran to his beloved fiancee (at that time, now his wife) in Tumblr.

As I read the letter, I saw how in love this man was to his fiancee even with that distance. What he said is true. Distance, no matter how great, can keep two people who are fully dedicated to one another apart. Even with that gap in between, people can still let the other feel how much they love them. With the luxury of the internet and different gadgetries, it is quite impossible to think of ways not to be able to contact the other.

This war veteran and his fiancee were able to stay together even without the quick access to communication. They had to wait weeks, months even, for their letters to arrive. They had the patience and were true to one another. These two are the best long distance relationship advice that one could get.

Remember what the man said, "Although we two are far apart, you're always with me - in my heart." it may sound far-fetched to some but this is a promise he always kept.

For more information in dealing with long distance relationships, click here.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Living On The Line


A lot of us believe that living away from our loved ones is very difficult, and it truly is. But we have to live with that for sometime because it is probably a part of our job to be away for some time. When one of the partners leave, it does not necessarily mean goodbye.

There are those who would say that it is easy to say things like holding on to someone you cannot see daily, but it's something that we are forced to do out of the given circumstance, take for example that of overseas workers.

Back then, there were no computers and cellphones. All they had were the post and telegrams. Imagine how long it had to take for them before they could hear word from their partner as compared to now. People in long distance relationships these days could breeze through the different alternatives for them to be able to communicate with the other. If we just continue looking for ways, we may even have a free communication like Skype, for instance.

The same long distance relationship advice apply for those who were in such relationships back then and for those in the present. It won't matter that both of you are "living on the line" as long as it is not "living on a lie". Always be honest to your partner because when you don't, you will surely lose him or her along the way.

It's So Hard Not Being There

It's So Hard Not Being There

Taj_Jackson_I_Think_Of_You_DOWNLOAD_lyrics.mp4 Watch on Posterous
Some people end up entertaining negative thoughts about their partner whenever they are apart. Although this is supposedly a no-no to long distance relationships, there are still those people who make the mistake of looking for a second partner as some sort of substitute for the first. Though they claim to not take this seriously and call it a fling, it still is not a good thing.

In long distance relationships, trust is a major factor that should be deeply rooted in the core of both partners. If there is an absence of trust, expect the relationship to fall apart. When one of the partners will get a summer fling, this will break the trust of the other resulting to a break-up. Therefore it is a must that none of either partieswill give the other a reason to doubt their trust. A good long distance relationship advice would be to give your partner no reason to doubt you.

Make sure that you are there whenever you say you are going to be there. Avoid giving false hopes and reassurances because once you do so, they will no longer believe in you. If they do, it will take a lot of time before their trust in you will be fully regained. Just listen to the song that comes with this post and you will understand this better.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Saying Goodbye Is Just The Beginning

Most people are afraid to say goodbye to their partners because they think it may mean the end. On the contrary, saying goodbye is just the start. It is the start of a new challenge, a test of one's confidence in the other, the start of everything.

Getting into a long distance relationship never is an easy thing. Especially because it would require you to do the thing most couples fear the most - and that is seeing the other person leave. People who are filled with what ifs are those who are not prepared to get into a relationship like a long distance relationship. If you are one of these people, be kind to yourself and to the other person and do not jump into one for the sake of being in a relationship. What it will bring you is only hurt. Before you go into a long distance relationship, it is important that you know why you are getting into one and you have to know how you are going to go about the said relationship with your partner.

Long distance relationship advice would revolve around trusting each other as well as the understanding of long distance relationship per se. If someone who does not want to say frequent goodbyes to their partner will get into a relationship which entails distance, then be prepared for the worst. Couples who are in these kinds of relationships fully understand what is going to be asked of them, and that is hard work on both parts. Goodbyes are just the beginnings of a sweet and wonderful relationship. It may be hard, but it is soon going to be worth it.

In long distance relationships, saying goodbye is just temporary even if they may be frequent. Staying strong when the other leaves will help keep the relationship in perfect sync. As all relationships are founded on trust, it is strongly advised that both couples trust the other to stay loyal even after all the goodbyes. Leaving and being left hurts. It may not be totally at the same degree, yet it hurts nonetheless.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Going The Distance

It is so easy to fall for someone you are in constant contact with. But before you go falling in love with someone you just met online, it is probably a good idea to get to know what the person is really like.

To others, they say distance is just a number. And in some cases, it really is nothing more than that. But when it comes to long distance relationships, being apart and being in a relationship will mean more work from both parties as compared to short distance relationships.

Before committing yourself to a long distance relationship, you should weigh your pros and cons. Knowing these will help you decide whether or not you are going to make such a relationship work. If you have to, do not be afraid to seek long distance relationship advice from people who are in a long distance relationship or from those who tried being in one. Approaching the people who habe no experience in said distance relationsip will only give you negative feedback. Plus, they do not know anything about it so they probably have biases.

It is important in this long distance relationship that bith partners will be willing to work on the relationship itself. The saying "it takes two to tango" also applies to relationships. Love may be a one-way street and sometimes it may be better that way, but when we talk about relationships, that is not a good thing. If you are the only one who is doing all the work, it's not worth it at all.

When you know the advantages and disadvantages of being in a relationship that is going to be mostly from a distance and you still are both willing to take the risk, then go for it. Just keep in mind that the best thing for both of you to have will be a deeply rooted foundation on trust. A friendly piece of long distance relationship advice, be honest with one another.

If it also helps you and your partner, you may want to try watching the movie Going The Distance. It has been carefully shown in the movie the pros and cons of being apart from your partner. As this long distance relationship is more complicated than any other, expect a lot of bumps on the road. However, learn to keep your cool and don't swerve away from the road. Go the distance.