Ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends are the former boyfriends or girlfriends. I looked up the exact definition for ex but all I found was one from Yahoo!Answers. So I guess, ex also means no longer existing. I kid. But it seems that way, anyway. Doesn't it? Anyway, last night I had a heart to heart talk with an ex whom I just recently got along with. We talked about the lessons we learned from each other and it was a great experience.
We learn the truth from those people who we got close to and are still close to. Our friends may also be there for us but sometimes, it is the girlfriends or boyfriends who really see us for who we are. If our friends tell us that we are like this and like that, some people wouldn't take it seriously. However, if it would be coming from their special someone, they would listen. It would make people think about what has been said about them. If this is the flow of a person's relationship with their exes as well, then it would help both parties become better people. Just do make sure that you guys are not in there for banter or your sharing of pros and cons about a person wouldn't work out for the best.
It really is important to retain the friendship even if the relationship has ended. We meet lots of people, but we only make a few friends. Again, save the friendship even if you end the relationship.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
On The Movie 'Wit'
Wit. It is defined as an intellectual humor, a witty remark, a keenness and quickness of perception or discernment, or the natural ability to perceive and understand. Since I was able to differentiate intelligent from the wise, I have been calling myself a witty person. Branding people as they pass, labeling them even when I don't mean to. It has become a habit. A very bad habit.
In the movie, I saw a scholar struggling and seeking to be considered and treated as a human being. However, all she has gotten from her health care professionals, mainly the doctors, is the treatment of a research subject - a guinea pig. She was treated the way she treated her students when she was still teaching. The only person to have been compassionate enough was the nurse. Well, there was also her former graduate school teacher who visited her from time to time, but that was different from the nurse's care for her. It made me see who I was through the eyes of another, and I realized, I was treating people for who I perceive they are rather than for who they really are.
Wit is good when it is applied on poetry, but it doesn't really help on being human.
In the movie, I saw a scholar struggling and seeking to be considered and treated as a human being. However, all she has gotten from her health care professionals, mainly the doctors, is the treatment of a research subject - a guinea pig. She was treated the way she treated her students when she was still teaching. The only person to have been compassionate enough was the nurse. Well, there was also her former graduate school teacher who visited her from time to time, but that was different from the nurse's care for her. It made me see who I was through the eyes of another, and I realized, I was treating people for who I perceive they are rather than for who they really are.
Wit is good when it is applied on poetry, but it doesn't really help on being human.
Friday, July 30, 2010
Concepts... Ideas... You Know, Stuff.
Okay. Hello again, blog. It's just me today. I'm just letting my mind flow because I've got an idea about a story. I was just on Facebook and it just got there.
So the idea is to write a story about a girl and a guy (as usual), who seem to think they like each other. But the thing is, there's more to it than mere liking... and even more to it than not liking each other. However, I should just really write it down on a separate page before I go and tell you the plot and make a spoiler online, huh? How's that sound?
Anyways, I also thought about probably making a music video or trailer to go with it, but I just hope that it would turn out nice. I, for one, know how fan-made videos look like. I was thinking along the lines of the story plot revolving around Simple Plan's song Addicted. I know, I know, it's old school music, but it's got the right lyrics for the story. (But it probably sounds good because it's all in my head, doesn't it? Well, we'll soon find out.)
I'll probably post it here or at quizilla.com if I'd get it done. So, 'til next time! ;)
So the idea is to write a story about a girl and a guy (as usual), who seem to think they like each other. But the thing is, there's more to it than mere liking... and even more to it than not liking each other. However, I should just really write it down on a separate page before I go and tell you the plot and make a spoiler online, huh? How's that sound?
Anyways, I also thought about probably making a music video or trailer to go with it, but I just hope that it would turn out nice. I, for one, know how fan-made videos look like. I was thinking along the lines of the story plot revolving around Simple Plan's song Addicted. I know, I know, it's old school music, but it's got the right lyrics for the story. (But it probably sounds good because it's all in my head, doesn't it? Well, we'll soon find out.)
I'll probably post it here or at quizilla.com if I'd get it done. So, 'til next time! ;)
Why Girls Were Made To Be The Drama Queens - Not The Guys
I hate it when guys are being dramatic. It does not look right.
That was my yahoo messenger status message. I wasn't counting on any one of my friends on my friends list to give their reactions about it. You could just imagine how in awe I was when I checked in (after watching a movie)and I found all those reactions. There were reactions from mostly guys, probably because most of those who were logged in were guys, but girls also commented on it.
The first reaction I got was from my friend Deanne saying "Some guys are cute." I replied with a what-do-you-mean? She then explained that it was with regards to my status message. A little later, there were guys popping up. One said, "I agree. It's a good thing I'm not that way." Another one said, "Hey. I'm dramatic."
I was amused, mostly. I'm confused, though. From what I've read, guys say they don't like guys being dramatic, but some would also say they are. And to girls, it's the same confusion. For me, I think guys shouldn't be overly dramatic. It's weird.
I guess girls seem to have the "right" to be dramatic because girls have the need to have to express their feelings. Or else, they might just... explode. Guys, on the other hand, don't need to do that. They just have to, I don't know, go find some distraction of some sort and they won't mind the drama any longer.
Guys may think that girls who are drama queens are over reacting, but they're not. The downside to girls not being able to let their feelings out could probably end up to suicide, and we don't want that to happen. Likewise, guys have a bigger chance of a completing a suicide than girls, but because of their "man standards" (being macho and all), they don't show to the world that they're vulnerable.
I never thought that for once, I'd agree to the machismo stuff. But, I agree. We girls don't want our men to seem frail. And most of all, I don't think girls would want a guy who's much more of a "tear-jerkey".
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
10 Things Guys Wish Girls Knew
-Courtesy of http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0IBX/is_1_10/ai_106059247/
It's fun to talk about boys. Boys with gorgeous eyes, groovy hair, cute smiles and ripped stomach muscles, Aww, yeah! But what do they say when they talk about you?
In hopes of helping girls better understand the PS2 gender--without reverting to that tired, old "inside a guy's mind" cliche--we surveyed 150 guys about a way worthy topic: you! What do guys wish you knew? We asked dozens of boys, from the oh-so sweet geeks to the campus gods, what exactly do they want you to be down with when it comes to boy-girl relations. The next few pages are full of surprising stuff most of the dudes in our survey agree on and want to share with you. We'll be waiting for you to voice your opinions regarding these boy-isms at www.girlslife.com, so feel free to take notes.
1 Calling you on the phone does not mean what you think it means.
"Please, tell me why a girl thinks calling her equals I want her to be my girlfriend," says Mikey. Blunt, but we like blunt. Mikey is in the majority when it comes to romancing the phone. Nearly every guy we talked to says he feels tons of pressure from girls when it comes to the telephone. "It's like calling a girl means I'm admitting I like her, but that's not what's up," explains Mikey. "It's more like I'm calling because I might like her. I hate calling because the next day the girl acts like she owns me. Or, if she's shy, suddenly she can barely talk to me because she's scared. It's stupid."
Knowledge is power You know you're hung up on the phone if, when a guy calls, you think you have some kind of romantic upper hand. "I'm just calling because you're cute or nice or whatever," says Jordan. "If you treat me like I'm a dog just because I think you're cool enough to dial up, then you're a b-word." In other words, for a guy, it's just a phone call, not a confession of undying love. Hel-lo?
2 You are much prettier without all that makeup.
Judging from our survey, boys can't stand makeup. In fact, it seems they can't complain about it enough. Sure, they all like pretty girls, but they also have a problem with a face that looks full-on painted. And what looks painted to a guy is far less than what you might think.
"Why do girls think they need to have so much crap on their faces?" asks Billy. "Girls at my school wear all this black crap on their eyes, and their lips are, like, thick with brown goop. It's ugly. Do they really think that will get them a guy?"
Don't think we didn't set Billy straight about one thing: Not all girls apply makeup to "get them a guy." Still, it's true that lots of girls get all dolled up so they'll be attractive to the opposite sex. But the makeup thing... It's more fun than anything. Right, girls?
Knowledge is power The hated for cosmetics is no joke. One dude even tided his survey "Rodeo Clowns." Could natural-looking makeup be the best date makeup? If being hot to guys is your goal, remember that. Otherwise, it's your choice if you want to apply enough purple mascara to impair your vision. Go for it.
3 When you act spazzy and giggly, ifs seriously embarrassing.
"What is up with girls hopping up and down when they're happy about something?" asks Pete. "A girl definitely invented the word 'yay!' because no guy I know has ever used it." Are you guilty of doing the Gily Woo-hoo! dance? It's a combo of baby claps and bobbing on your toes while emitting high-pitched squeals of delight. This all in reaction to, say, seeing the slide projector set up upon entering French class.
What's the big deal? "I really do want to know why are girls so excited about normal stuff," says Pete. "Every other thing, it's like, 'Ohmigosh! No way!"'
Knowledge is power Colin, a self-described shy boy, has something interesting to say: "I think girls like attention, and being excited about something makes people look and wonder what she's so happy about." Good theory.
Arnie, a jokester, has a theory of his own: "I think girls are just different. You're raised to let your feelings out, even if they're bad. I've never seen a guy friend cry, but I've seen a chick fall apart because some dude she liked didn't pick her for his volleyball team in phys ed. That's dumb."
We're not here to tell you how to act. Just tuck it in the back of your mind that all the boys we surveyed agree that girls could mellow out a little. Let's have a round of baby-claps for that, please.
4 Gossiping, whispering and writing notes makes y on look beyond shallow.
"Girls are always passing notes around in class, and it's just so friggin' dumb," says Joey. "Or they'll look right at me, then whisper to each other and laugh. Do they want me to think they're talking about me? 'Cause I do. And if it's really true and they are talking about me, then that's just lame."
Rude is the word, actually, Joey. Whispering, especially with the cupped hand at your girl's ear, is just so third grade. And gossip? "When I hear one girl talk trash about another girl, it's like I can't believe it," says Dominick, "like I'm in a bad movie about how mean girls are. If I heard my friends were talking about me like that, I'd transfer schools."
Knowledge is power People talk about other people. That's life. But there is a big difference between gossip and character assassinations. Not to mention, it's bad form to let anyone believe you're saying negative things about him. So, sorry to get all motherly on you, but if you absolutely must exchange information, be cool about the notes and discreet about the whispering. Oh, and do be sure that the "information" isn't going to hurt someone's feelings, OK?
5 Boys worry about what you think of their hair, skin, weight and clothes.
"My best friend is a girl, and the other day she said my hair looks exactly the same every single day," says Luis. "I couldn't believe it because some days my hair is jacked up." For the record, Luis is a cutie with great hair.
A recent nationally televised newsmagazine show had a big story about how men are the new vanity victims, and how they stress on their looks as much or more than women. But, if a guy suffers vanity, he doesn't talk about it--at least, not to girls and not as much as girls.
What we know: Guys totally think about their appearance even if they don't say it out loud. "I bad to ask my mom to take me to the dermatologist because I was breaking out on my cheeks and back," says Jay. "I couldn't stand it."
His friend Robert has a different issue: "Girls like guys with good bodies but, when I try to get six-pack abs, it never works. I just feel like I have a spare tire all the time."
Knowledge is power If you could get a view of Robert, you would tell him what we told him: He's out of his mind--the boy is a total babe! But here he is trippin' on his gut. Moral of the story? Boys have self-image issues, too. Isn't it a relief to know that?
6 PMS is no excuse to he mean.
"I know girls get weird at 'that time of the month,' but I don't get why they have to act like I'm their worst enemy," confides Sean. "Sometimes, my sister acts like she wishes I were dead because I won't give her the remote control, but all that's going on is she's PMSing. Screaming at me and freaking out on me isn't right."
We know what you're thinking: Boys just don't understand what it feels like to wake up with serious cramps and have to get up from that warm bed at 6 a.m. to put on tight jeans over a bloated belly so you can go do fractionals in homeroom. So, yeah, we feel your pain--and we really mean feel it. But that's the point: Boys don't.
Knowledge is power So, you're pained? Look, face it--the hormones that go with menstruating affect moods and, yeah, sometimes make a girl mean as a hungry dog. But barking at a boy because you don't feel well? Just deal the best you can by taking care of yourself. This includes not totally indulging in caffeine, sugar or greasy foods--all three aggravate physical and emotional symptoms. Get plenty of sleep, drink loads of water, and take lots of warm baths--yes, even in the afternoon when you get home from school. Soaking in bubbles while daydreaming is an on-your-period girl's best friend.
We're not saying you should become a menstrual recluse just because you're wearing a maxi-pad. But sometimes maybe it is better to bow out of a social opp if you're really not up to it. What's the point of going to the party if you're not gonna have a good time? Oh, and if you do snap at your boy for no other reason than those nasty hormonal intrusions, a short, simple apology ("Sorry--I was in a bad state of mind yesterday") could go a long way. No lengthy, drawn-out explanations necessary. He'll never fully understand, so don't even try.
7 Talking about your "big" butt is so boring.
"If there's one thing I can't stand, it's when a girl asks me if she looks fat," says Stephen. "For one thing, I don't know if you're fat. For another thing, shut up." Ooh, Stephen is feisty, but a lot of the boys echo his sentiment.
Boys do not want to listen to a girl's insecurities about her body. True, some guys have issues with what a girl weighs, but they all have different tastes when it comes to the feminine physique. Some guys like booties like Jennifer Lopez's. Other guys like their girls thin as a fence post. Who cares? You are what you are, so talking about your body is about as interesting as studying the Dead Sea.
Knowledge is power Whether you're questioning a guy friend for his honest opinion or fishing for a compliment from a guy you like, asking about your body is a no-win situation. You're just putting the guy on the spot. And, guess what--if a boy likes you, he likes you for the way you are right now, this second. A shy boy named Paul says it awesome; "Girls' bodies are an endless mystery to me. I think you're all beautiful." Ah.
8 Tight clothes look uncomfortable, cheap, and sort of desperate and insecure.
"My sister complains that boys always stare at her boobs, but she wears tight shirts that totally show off her boobs," says Chad. "I'm confused."
Chad, nice boy, you should be confused. Fashion is stupid. If MTV execs dressed the world, the official girl wardrobe would be a tireless supply of all-occasion bikini tops, mini skirts and thongs. But the too-much-skin fashions can be, well, bimbo.
"I like the way my last girlfriend dressed," says Miguel. "She wore some stuff that showed off her great athletic body, but it wasn't like all hanging Out. Sometimes she wore baggy pants and just a little of her belly showed. Or sometimes, if she wore those tight jeans girls always wear, she wouldn't have her boobs all out."
In other words, Miguel's ex struck a balance between teen fashion's obsession with skimpiness and some actual good taste. Just a peek of a shoulder exposed in a side-cut shirt can be fabulously glamorous. You can take your best assets and display them gracefully. You have s great, flat belly? Then, if you must share it with the world, wear a midriff paired with a full-length denim skirt. Want to show off those great legs? Go with the mini skirt, but save the midriff fox another day.
Knowledge is power "I think girls gel mixed up because of how people dress on TV," says Matthew. "Showing a lot of skin in super-tight clothes just says to everyone, 'Please look at me!' If you need to wear those kinds of clothes, you're obviously not confident."
If you find Christina Aguilera garb cute, just know that popstars have lots of perks--one of which is wearing costumes. However "street" they look, these duds are designed for performing. If you copy Christina's skin-tillating take on everyday clothes, you give off a very definite vibe that's all about exposure and "look at my bod" exhibitionism. Is that really what you want? Think of it this way: If you overheard a boy say about you, "I want to go out with her because she has great cleavage and I can see part of her butt every day in her short shorts," would you be offended or flattered? Hint: Be offended!
9 Most boys are looking for the right girl.
Daniel puts it so eloquently: "I would love to find a girl who's cool and doesn't act like such a girl." We're not sure what acting like a girl leans, but it could have something to do with much of what's been addressed right here in this article.
Whatever his logic, Daniel is not the only boy looking for a girl to like! Don't believe it? "I'm sick of everyone acting like boys aren't as mature as girls," says D.B. "It's just that we also think about other stuff. If it happens, it happens, but I'm not going to talk to my friends on the phone about girls every day."
D.B.'s friend Raymond has another, um, interesting point: "So many girls at my school are hot, but me and my friends just wait for them to figure out who they want because that's what girls seem to do at my school. It's like they're all spazzed out about finding a boyfriend all the time. We just have to wait and see who they act dumb around because that means she likes you." Wanna slap Ray? Take a number.
Knowledge is power One thing that is abundantly clear is that boys think girls are way too into finding a BF. As Eric says, "Do girls want any guy or the right guy?" Sending signals is good because some boys are shy just as some girls are shy. But check to see if you and your girls are overdoing it. Do you constantly discuss guys? Is who-likes-who the topic du jour, every jour? If so, pull back a bit, at least around the guys. This way they'll be able to see what's really important to you: makeup (kidding!).
10 If you like him, just tell him.
There was one major statement that kept popping up on our surveys: "Girls should not flirt and act like they like me, and then later ignore me." Maybe the flirting thing is to girls what the phone is to boys: You're just flirting to feel him out, and it doesn't have to mean anything heavy. We get that.
But for guys, if you're smiling and being nice to him, well, then you want him for a boyfriend. At least, that's how many of the surveyed boys see it. "There is a big difference between just being cool and flirting," says James. "I can tell if a girl is just talking to me or if she likes me." Maybe. Maybe not.
By that logic, when you want to make friends with a boy, striking up a random convo could be misinterpreted as major flirting. So what is the safe middle ground? "If you like me, just tell me. If you don't, say you're not into me like that," says Ray.
Knowledge is power OK, just telling a guy you like him isn't as easy as it sounds. But all the guys agreed on this one, which means it should work. Courage to be honest? You can do it.
Job Hunting Firsts
Hey there again, blog! I just got home from my very first job interview at Convergys Corporation, a call center company. It was both exciting and gut-wrenching from when I walked into the building and out of it. Anyway, let's start with the idea
I was on my way to Convergys with my friends Mae and Krizia on a taxi, and we talked about our friends who were applying for a job. Krizia, who knew a lot of people who had already applied, told us the do's and dont's that her friends told her.
First of all, for those aspiring to become flight attendants, BRACES and RETAINERS are big No-No's. Flight attendants come into close contact with people and have to have rather pleasant smiles. Next, when applying for FA, ALWAYS wear business-casual or corporate attire. The employers will rate your physical appearance first and it would be a shame if you dressed shabbily when you are most eligible for the job. She also said that from what she observed, the resumes of the applicants are categorized into five: (1) those with past experiences as FA'; (2) those who are models; (3) those who have the potential; (4) those who are dressed in casual; and (5) those who just don't get it. Lastly, and most importantly, she said that she overheard a cabin crew say to a friend
She was classified under 3. She says she's not hoping that she'd get the job since there were a lot of people who, she thought, are much more qualified than she is. I'm thinking along the lines of "Yeah, right."
Moving on to MY experience hours ago. I learned that: (1) to be accepted on the first interview, make sure that your companions are all poor speakers in English. It will give you an edge, making the interviewer pick you as acceptable; (2) when talking to the interviewer on the initial interview, expound all (if not most) of your answers; (3) before answering the examination, ALWAYS LISTEN TO THE INSTRUCTIONS; (4) when asked to answer an exam in which you have no idea whether your answer is right or wrong, just CHOOSE. It doesn't help if you panic anyway; (5) while waiting for your turn for the final interview, NEVER listen in on the instructions given to the applicants who have already been accepted. Always keep your mind focused on getting the job; and the most important,(6) NEVER EVER GIVE THEM A HINT THAT YOU'RE GOING TO LEAVE THEM AFTER YOU FIND OUT THAT THERE'S A GREATER OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU SOMEWHERE ELSE because they will not be hiring you if you do.
Obviously, I violated that last one. I told the interviewer that I would be leaving the company once I got the results of the board exams and she noted it on her paper. I'll post the picture below.
Note: These are really important points to consider. If you don't believe me, then fine. Charge it as one of your firsts then.
There's always a first time for everything.
I was on my way to Convergys with my friends Mae and Krizia on a taxi, and we talked about our friends who were applying for a job. Krizia, who knew a lot of people who had already applied, told us the do's and dont's that her friends told her.
First of all, for those aspiring to become flight attendants, BRACES and RETAINERS are big No-No's. Flight attendants come into close contact with people and have to have rather pleasant smiles. Next, when applying for FA, ALWAYS wear business-casual or corporate attire. The employers will rate your physical appearance first and it would be a shame if you dressed shabbily when you are most eligible for the job. She also said that from what she observed, the resumes of the applicants are categorized into five: (1) those with past experiences as FA'; (2) those who are models; (3) those who have the potential; (4) those who are dressed in casual; and (5) those who just don't get it. Lastly, and most importantly, she said that she overheard a cabin crew say to a friend
Be confident.
She was classified under 3. She says she's not hoping that she'd get the job since there were a lot of people who, she thought, are much more qualified than she is. I'm thinking along the lines of "Yeah, right."
Moving on to MY experience hours ago. I learned that: (1) to be accepted on the first interview, make sure that your companions are all poor speakers in English. It will give you an edge, making the interviewer pick you as acceptable; (2) when talking to the interviewer on the initial interview, expound all (if not most) of your answers; (3) before answering the examination, ALWAYS LISTEN TO THE INSTRUCTIONS; (4) when asked to answer an exam in which you have no idea whether your answer is right or wrong, just CHOOSE. It doesn't help if you panic anyway; (5) while waiting for your turn for the final interview, NEVER listen in on the instructions given to the applicants who have already been accepted. Always keep your mind focused on getting the job; and the most important,(6) NEVER EVER GIVE THEM A HINT THAT YOU'RE GOING TO LEAVE THEM AFTER YOU FIND OUT THAT THERE'S A GREATER OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU SOMEWHERE ELSE because they will not be hiring you if you do.
Obviously, I violated that last one. I told the interviewer that I would be leaving the company once I got the results of the board exams and she noted it on her paper. I'll post the picture below.
Note: These are really important points to consider. If you don't believe me, then fine. Charge it as one of your firsts then.

Monday, July 26, 2010
Getting Started
Hey there, blog! This is going to be my first blog and I've decided to make no sense out of it all. haha It's coz I'm bored and I've got nothing better to do but to listen to the sound of the rain. It's raining heavily tonight and it's not good for I will be fetching my little brother from school. It's probably gonna be so traffic.
Anyways, let me just tell you a little something of what I would be blogging about - typically everything that catches my attnetion. So, it would most probably cover a little bit of everything. And yes, I'm no expert at everything, so I'm not sure if I could get to the level of your expectations, but... so what? Right? I'm a blogger, you might be a reader. Want to pick fights with me? Sure, I won't mind. At least I know there are some people out there who want me to pick their brains. BTW, there are only a few of you left with minds.
I know I seem a little bit weird-ish to you now. So, 'til my next blog.
Anyways, let me just tell you a little something of what I would be blogging about - typically everything that catches my attnetion. So, it would most probably cover a little bit of everything. And yes, I'm no expert at everything, so I'm not sure if I could get to the level of your expectations, but... so what? Right? I'm a blogger, you might be a reader. Want to pick fights with me? Sure, I won't mind. At least I know there are some people out there who want me to pick their brains. BTW, there are only a few of you left with minds.
I know I seem a little bit weird-ish to you now. So, 'til my next blog.
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