I am NOT a fashion blogger (not yet though), nor am I a model! This has always been my excuse whenever I dish out really sucky photos. To be honest, I was a super shy girl back then, but thanks to friends, I've turned out to become a semi-shy lady who checks herself out in the mirror (whenever there are mirrors available). To describe myself in one word, vain. But I have to tell you, I still can't strike a good pose.
Here are some photos to prove my point. (Please be kind and don't laugh at me.)
That's me in the middle, looking really stupid. My friends told me to do a pose and this was the best thing I came up with. Sucks, I know. And that's me in the blue hoodie looking awkward and unnatural. This one's not as bad as the previous ones but it isn't good either. In case you didn't see me, I'm that girl wearing brown heels with a skimpy dress and a black vest. I am the second girl from the left. If you remember that pose, that was like a repeat of my very first picture in this post, only I didn't do the 'salute' then. Now here's a more recent picture of me.From all of the above pictures I showed you guys, not one of them is 'fashion blogger material' or 'model material' pose. I know they suck, but hey, I figured at least I was improving. And at least I don't qualify for the photos mentioned in How to pose like a fashion blogger. The article is funny but the author just voiced out opinions, and I totally agree with him!
I don't have anything against fashion bloggers, but I'm merely pointing out that I can't pose like they do. I am willing to learn though, but I guess a tiger can't change its stripes. Now I'm stuck with mine.